The Voluntary Sector Forums and the Thematic meetings provide great opportunities for the sector to be represented and involved in decision making.

Other representational opportunities are:

The Bridge’s Advisory Board meeting

The Bridge’s Advisory Board comprises of key officers from the Council such as the Chief Executive Officer who chairs the meetings, the lead officer on Commissioning and Chief executive of the Bridge and other lead organisations in the Borough. Thus, the Bridge and its stakeholders (mainly the Voluntary and Community Sector are represented at all levels of the Governance and Structure of the Borough). The last meeting of the Advisory Board took place on Monday 1st July 2019

Panel Discussions at the Haringey Expo

One of the key sessions of the expo which has become an annual event is to have panel discussion on key topics of concern in the community. The meetings are open to all and very representational. The last Expo held on November 2018 featured the following two panel discussions:

1. Arts and Culture in Haringey

2. Serious Youth Violence

Engagement at these events has included a diverse range of groups and has occasionally attracted residents. Involvement by Council officers and relevant local Councillors continues to enhance communication and strategic development with the sector.

Get in touch to suggest agenda items for any of the above forums or to participate of these events:

020 8442 7652

[email protected]