Are you a strategic thinker with the people skills to lead a talented board of experts and support the Chief Executive to lead a dynamic and growing organisation? 

This year the Bridge Renewal Trust is celebrating its 10th year of working with local communities to improve the health and wellbeing of people living in Haringey. We employ 41 staff who work to deliver a range of projects and services. 

We are a unique and ambitious charity, committed to growing as social business. This is to ensure our legacy from the New Deal for Community programme (2001-2010) has a sustained impact supporting people to flourish. 

We are looking for a new chair to join our effective and friendly board to build on the great successes of the last 10 years and drive the charity forward.

We are looking for candidates with experience of being a Chair or a long-standing trustee of a Charity. You will need knowledge of good governance, a commitment to flourishing, healthy and stronger communities and the skills to lead an organisation with a diverse portfolio of community projects, services and facilities.

For an application pack, please email [email protected].  To discuss further please contact the Chair, Rachel Hughes on 07702 207193.

Deadline for receipt of application: 12noon, 30 March 2020
Interviews: week commencing 6 April 2020

Download here the Recruitment Pack