Summary report findings

A programme of community based engagement work was undertaken to increase the uptake of cervical screening across some of Haringey’s most diverse communities. LB Haringey public health team analysed the latest data and intelligence to determine which practices had the lowest screening uptake when compared to the Haringey average. The evidence base was used to identify which communities could be targeted and prioritised for further engagement work. This culminated in a series of focus groups being held online due to Covid-19 restrictions. The focus groups were led by Bridge Renewal Trust and Embrace UK and included representation from the Black African, Black Caribbean and Eastern European ethnic groups. The findings from the focus groups are set out in the report below.

A series of recommendations detailed in the report suggested that further campaign work, including the dissemination of postcards and videos in different languages would help to raise awareness of the screening services available locally and the importance of having a smear test. The campaign materials will be disseminated through social media to coincide with Cervical Screening Awareness Raising Week between 14 and 20 June 2021.

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