Complementary Health Clinic Expand We provide access to a range of affordable therapeutic services that complement existing medical and social care services available at the Laurels Healthy Living Centre. Find out more
Community Empowerment Programmes Expand The aim of this program is to empower communities and enable them to increase control over their lives. We provide a range of support services including Community Champions, Home from Hospital and Health@theHut early help and prevention services.
Community facilities Expand Our community facilities include the Laurels Healthy Living Centre, Chestnuts Community Centre and Bridge Community Hut, where we have the opportunity to reach over a thousand members of the community from diverse backgrounds every week.
Safer Neighbourhood Board Expand We co-ordinate the Safer Neighbourhood Board (SNB) in Haringey. SNBs are in place in every London Borough, bringing police and communities together to decide local policing and crime priorities, solve problems collaboratively and make sure that the public are involved in a wide range of other community safety decisions. Find out more
Haringey Wellbeing Network Expand We work in partnership with Mind in Haringey and Tempo Time Credits to develop the capacities of voluntary and community organisations from the faith, housing and sports & leisure sectors to raise awareness of good mental health practices. Find out more
Haringey Giving Expand Haringey Giving are the hub for local giving and we are at the beating heart of our vibrant borough. We raise and distribute funds and resources to enable people to take positive action and make improvements. Here are just a few of our achievements. We'd love you to get involved and join us in supporting people experiencing inequalities and disadvantage. All your gift will make a big impact in the lives of people in Haringey. #HereForHaringey Visit Haringey Giving's website Haringey Giving is administered by The Bridge Renewal Trust.